Guardianship Nominations

Your children are precious to you and you should have a plan in place to make sure that they are cared for in case you become unavailable because of illness, unexpected absences, or death.  You should nominate someone to become your children’s guardian so that if there is an emergency, the courts will not be forced to place them in fostercare or with someone that you would not want to raise them. 

Guardianship Nominations

Your children are precious to you and you should have a plan in place to make sure that they are cared for in case you become unavailable because of illness, unexpected absences, or death.  You should nominate someone to become your children’s guardian so that if there is an emergency, the courts will not be forced to place them in fostercare or with someone that you would not want to raise them.

Protect Your Loved Ones

Have you considered who would be responsible for your minor children if something happened to you? Level Up Legacy Planning can help you execute a legally-binding guardianship nomination that will ensure the safety and well-being of your children. 

Guardianship Documentation

Level Up Legacy will support you during the process of creating a guardianship nomination. This crucial process will give the appointed guardian the same legal rights and duties as a legal parent. I will help make sure that the proper documentation is in place so that this transition can be as smooth as possible.

Limited and Full Guardianship

When creating a guardianship nomination, you may choose between a limited or full guardianship. A limited guardianship gives the guardian specific rights and duties, while a full guardianship gives the guardian full legal rights. I can help guide you in deciding which option is the best for your family.

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